A heat pump is an excellent choice for year-round comfort. It handles both cooling and heating, making it a versatile system for your home. But what if your heat pump isn’t doing its job? If you’re facing issues with heating, it might be time to consider heat pump repair in Fountain. There are a few common problems you should check. Here’s what you need to know.
Brown's Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Fountain’
3 Reasons Your Heat Pump Isn’t Heating
Monday, August 26th, 2024Don’t Ignore These Furnace Repairs
Monday, February 26th, 2024It’s been a long winter in Fountain, CO and many of us are looking forward to the arrival of spring. But once spring arrives, that doesn’t mean you can switch off your heating system. The winters are long in Colorado and that means your furnace has been working hard to keep your home warm for many, many months.
With so many long days and nights of chugging away, keeping your home cozy and comfy, your furnace could be exhibiting signs that its performance is suffering. If you suspect you need a furnace repair, don’t put it off until the next heating season. Doing so could only make things worse and lead to a costlier repair. Here are 4 furnace problems that can’t be ignored.
Is Your Furnace Ready for the Holidays?
Monday, November 6th, 2023Many people who love Halloween are disappointed on November 1st. But those who believe that November and December mark the most wonderful time of the year are overjoyed when “spooky season” is over.
If you’re one of those people who put up their Christmas tree on 11/1, there are a lot of things to do to maximize your enjoyment of the holiday season. From scheduling furnace maintenance to changing the air filter, making sure your furnace is ready for the holidays is as easy as pumpkin pie. Let’s go over some tips to ensure your furnace is ready for the ho-ho-holidays.
Have You Had This Important Indoor Air Quality Product Installed?
Monday, September 13th, 2021
If you’re like many other homeowners, when you hear the term “air quality,” you might think about the air outside, not the air inside. We get it–we don’t think many homeowners think about their indoor air quality at all unless it’s so bad you can’t ignore it (we hope it never gets to that point!)
Unfortunately, the truth is the air you’re breathing might not be as healthy as you think. You also might not be as comfortable as you could be. Many folks think that all they need for air filtration indoors is their HVAC air filter, but this air filter is meant to protect the equipment itself, not your indoor air!
No, for that, you’ll want to consider the installation of a whole-home air purifier. Read on to learn more!
Why Size Matters with your AC Installation
Monday, June 7th, 2021
So, you’re in the market for a new air conditioning installation. At least, we’re going to take a guess that is why you’ve come across this blog post. If you have the budget, you’re likely tempted to purchase the biggest and best air conditioner you can find, right? That’s a great idea… except that it can actually be too big!
Yup, that’s right. An air conditioner can actually be too large for the space in which it is installed. Homeowners usually don’t consider this possibility–they know that an air conditioner can be too small but don’t really think about it the other way around. But in actuality, an oversized (overpowered) air conditioner can be just as detrimental to home comfort and the efficiency of your air conditioner as an undersized (underpowered) air conditioner. Read on to learn more!
What Are the Steps of Air Conditioning Installation?
Monday, March 15th, 2021
We see people ask this a lot. And we’re about to share the steps—but not because we think you should ever try to install your own whole-home air conditioner. Doing so can result in an inefficient system, HVAC system damage, or even property damage. Air conditioners are complex, and installing them requires a trained and experienced professional.
We do understand the sense of urgency here. While we are still experiencing chiller temperatures, anyone who has lived here for even just a year knows how variable our weather can be. Who knows when we’ll need our air conditioners—it can be two months from now or two weeks from now!
So if you need a new air conditioner, you’re probably thinking now you need to rush. But we really encourage you to give the professionals a call, instead of rushing into a purchase and installation that could leave you regretting your decision. Here’s what will happen when you call us for your air conditioner installation:
Boosting Furnace Efficiency: A How-To Guide
Monday, January 18th, 2021
With winter officially here, homeowners throughout Fountain and beyond are looking for ways to stay warm and cozy without paying an arm and a leg for that comfort.
Having a great heating system in place is key to making this a reality. You want a heating system that will work as efficiently as possible, right? Perhaps you think the only way to make that a reality is to upgrade to a new heater. While this is sometimes the case, particularly if your system is 10-15+ years old, there are usually steps you can take that aren’t quite as drastic to boost efficiency. Read on to learn what they are!
5 Benefits of Furnace Maintenance
Monday, October 12th, 2020
Do you know when the best time to schedule furnace maintenance is?
Well, it’s a year or less from the last time you had furnace maintenance done!
That’s right, what matters most in this case is how often you have maintenance done. For furnaces, maintenance is recommended once a year. Alternatively, if you have a year-round heat pump system then you’ll want a tune-up done twice a year.
Now, as for the best time to schedule this service–that would be now. Early fall is before you need your system the most, and it’s the time where technicians aren’t as busy out on emergency repair calls and such. Read on as we uncover 5 of the top benefits of routine furnace maintenance!