Summer heat can be tough on your air conditioning. When temperatures soar, the last thing you want is an AC that’s not cooling your home properly. If your AC unit starts overheating, it could signal a few issues that need quick attention. At Brown’s Heating & Cooling, we’re your local experts for air conditioning repair in Colorado Springs. We believe in getting the job done right and we’re here to help!
Brown's Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning repair’
Overheating AC? Here’s What Could Be Wrong
Monday, July 15th, 20245 Signs Your AC Needs an Inspection
Monday, May 6th, 2024Understanding when your air conditioning system requires professional attention can save you from discomfort and costly repairs down the road. At Brown’s Heating & Cooling, we are your go-to for air conditioning repair in Black Forest, CO. Here are five indicators that suggest it’s time to call in the experts for an air conditioning service inspection.
How Spring AC Tune-Ups Fend Off Summer Repairs
Monday, May 22nd, 2023Summer is almost here and you’re probably excited about finally needing to switch from using your heating system to using your AC. The end of spring is also a great time to assess how you think your AC will hold up over the summer. After all, the last thing you want to spoil the summer you’ve been waiting for is having a broken-down AC compromise your comfort or ruin any festivities.
The absolute best way to help your air conditioner sail through the summer without any interruption in service (or a costly repair) is to get an AC tune-up Let’s take a look at how AC maintenance guards against needing air conditioning repair in Colorado Springs.
The Best Way to Prevent AC Repair This Spring
Monday, April 11th, 2022
With our variable weather throughout the year, it’s absolutely vital that you have a powerful and efficient air conditioner in place to keep you and your household comfortable. The last thing you need is to be met with unexpected ac repair needs in the middle of summer though–can this be prevented?
Yes, absolutely! Professional maintenance can help you avoid up to 85% of the repair needs your air conditioner may ever accumulate. Read on to learn more, in addition to the other benefits of professional air conditioner maintenance.
AC Compressor Failure: Do You Repair or Replace?
Monday, July 6th, 2020
So, you’ve been told (or you suspect) that your air conditioner’s compressor has failed and is the cause of your cooling system breakdown. The next question is, should you pay to have your system repaired, or should you have it replaced? Before we answer this, we have to explain the role of the compressor in your air conditioner.
If the thermostat serves as the brain of your AC, then the compressor is the heart. It’s what enables the refrigerant process so that your air conditioner will actually do the job it was designed to do. When the compressor fails, the whole air conditioner fails along with it. Sure, your fans might still run, but you won’t feel any cooled air coming out through the vents.
When you ask “Should I repair my air conditioner or replace it,” in this case, what you’re really asking is if you should replace the compressor or buy a whole new air conditioner. The latter is usually the right answer, but not in every instance.
Signs Your Air Conditioner Needs Professional Repair
Monday, June 8th, 2020
Spring is almost officially over and summer temps are well on their way. This means that soon enough, you’ll be using your air conditioner on a consistent basis. The last thing you need when this time comes is to have a sudden breakdown and a sudden repair or replacement need when temperatures are at their highest.
The good news here is that most cooling system repair issues give out signs and symptoms well before they force the system to shut down. And while you shouldn’t ever attempt to formally diagnose or repair a malfunctioning air conditioner on your own, you can still spot the signs that you do need AC repair, and take the appropriate steps to mitigate the problem. This means giving our pros a call!
Of course, you have to know that your air conditioner has a repair need in order to call for repairs, right? Well fortunately, there are some telltale signs you can watch out for. We’ve listed a few below: