When it’s time for heating installation in your home, you may be assuming that there are a limited number of options available. However, HVAC technology has advanced in the last decade, giving homeowners more options to choose from. Let’s go over how to choose the right heating system for your Colorado home. Whether you’ve made your decision or need more help choosing a system, contact us for heating services.
Brown's Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Furnace’
How to Choose the Right Heating System for Your Colorado Home
Monday, October 23rd, 2023Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning with the Defender CO Detector!
Monday, November 23rd, 2020
One of our core values here at Brown’s Heating & Cooling is “Safety First”! This is why we can’t say enough good things about getting the right carbon monoxide (CO) detector in your home. If you have a gas furnace, gas oven, or any gas-powered appliance, there is a danger of gas leaks and therefore, CO exposure. Think you’re not at risk? You should probably know every year there are fatalities due to excess carbon monoxide exposure, and low-level exposure over a long period of time is just as dangerous as high-level exposure.
Fortunately, you need only to reach out to our team to learn about a new low-level CO detector called the Defender Low Level Carbon Monoxide Monitor. Even low levels of exposure can pose a significant risk to your health, and many don’t alert you until levels are quite high. This monitor makes all the difference. Read on to learn more about the dangers of CO exposure and how this monitor helps.