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Brown's Heating & Cooling Blog

Do I Need to Run My Air Purifier All Day?


If you’ve read our previous blogs or have ever read about indoor air quality, you know that without the right products or services in place, your indoor air quality can be worse than the quality of the air outside.

This means that you need air filtration and air purification systems to resolve this. Before you ask, no, your HVAC air filter is not enough to resolve any indoor air quality problems your living space may have. This is because this air filter is designed to protect the HVAC equipment itself from dust, dirt, and other debris that can do it harm.

But adding a whole-house air filtration system or air purifier to your household can certainly help improve your indoor environment. As for the answer to the question this blog post presents–whether or not you should run your air purifier all day–it actually depends.

The answer depends on if you have a whole-house air purifier, a portable one, what kind of filter it uses, and more. Read on to learn more!

Using a Portable Air Purifier

Of course, we recommend utilizing a whole house purifier versus a portable system. Not only do we install these for you, but a whole-house air purifier is also going to give you comprehensive coverage throughout your whole entire home, while a portable air purifier can’t handle much more than a single bedroom. Even if you have a larger living room than average, you may need more than one air purifier.

That said if you are using a portable air purifier, or multiple portable systems, yes, you might need to run your air purifiers all day to get the results you want. It’s generally recommended that you run it for a couple of hours right after cleaning (dusting) the room that it’s in, and then at least 8 hours a day per day afterward to maintain your air quality.

A whole-house air purifier runs along with your air conditioner (or heating system) and is integrated with the system itself, therefore you don’t need to worry about turning it on or off separately.

What About UV Air Purifiers?

While the “standard” whole-house air purifier eliminates dust, viruses, and even mold spores that are already in the air, a UV air purifier is a little different. It is installed in your ductwork and uses UV light (think, black light) to eliminate single-celled organisms that evolve into mold and other bacteria before it even has a chance to enter your indoor air.

The UV air purifier is always on, and therefore you needn’t worry about when to run this system either.

How Do I Ensure My Air Purifier Is Working?

Whole-house air purifiers, as we mentioned above, are integrated into your HVAC system. Therefore, during your annual maintenance tune-ups (or bi-annual, if you have a heat pump system), our technicians will thoroughly inspect, clean, and adjust any components that need it.

This includes checking on your air purifier!

Brown’s Heating & Cooling is your trusted indoor air quality resource in Colorado Springs and beyond. When you’re ready to install an air purifier in Monument, CO, give us a call!

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