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Brown's Heating & Cooling Blog

Why Mini Splits Are Perfect For Your Home


Is it time for air conditioning installation in your Colorado Springs home? If you’re in the market for a new air conditioner, you should know about ductless mini splits. Although they have a funny name, these mini marvels are no joke when it comes to cooling and heating your home!

That’s right, we said cool and heat. Mini splits use heat pump technology. That means they can heat and cool your home, keeping you in comfort all year round. If your home lacks quality ductwork or if you’d love to replace your heating system at the same time, a mini split is a perfect solution. Read on to learn about this popular option for homeowners who’re looking for versatility in their home comfort systems.

Heat Pump Technology

A ductless mini split uses heat pump technology. It helps to think of a heat pump as an air conditioner with an extra feature: a reversing valve that allows it to switch from heating to cooling with the flip of a switch. 

The entire mini split system consists of multiple air handlers and one outdoor unit. These keep your home comfortable while also providing unlimited flexibility and customization. Take a look at some scenarios that would benefit from the flexibility that mini splits offer. 

Stay-at-home parents and telecommuters: Ductless mini splits give stay-at-home parents or caregivers and people who work from home the ability to heat and cool 1-2 rooms of the home. That means you’ll save energy by not having to heat or cool the entire house when people are home on weekdays. 

Multi-generational households and hot/cold family members: Do you have elderly household members who tend to be colder than everyone else? What about one person who always seems to be too hot compared to others? Having an air handler in each room gives you optimal zone control. Those who tend to be hotter or colder than the rest of the household can set their desired temperature in the bedrooms or rooms they tend to use. 

Here are some other advantages to mini splits.

  • They use less energy: The heat pump technology already uses less energy compared to a central AC and furnace. Add to this the ability to heat or cool certain rooms and your energy use will go down even more.
  • They’ll save you money: Using less energy automatically translates to low energy bills. When you consider you’re essentially replacing your AC and your heater, you’ll also save with a 2-in-1 system.
  • Your ductwork isn’t the greatest: You won’t have to worry if your ductwork is in good enough shape. It’s out of the equation with a ductless mini split. No ductwork also means better indoor air quality.

We know some Colorado homeowners have concerns about a mini split’s ability to keep their homes warm enough in the winter. If you have any lingering concerns about whether a ductless mini split is right for your home, contact us and we’ll discuss those concerns with you. 

Don’t let the weather get you down, call Brown’s! Brown’s Heating & Cooling is your trusted resource for quality AC installation. Contact us today!

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