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Brown's Heating & Cooling Blog

How Long Does an Air Conditioning Repair Last?

One of the most frustrating household problems to have is a broken down or malfunctioning air conditioner–especially during one of the hottest days of the year here in Colorado Springs. With summer right around the corner, this may very well be on your mind. But if you have an aging air conditioner anyway, you might be wondering if it’s worth repairing, or if you should go ahead and replace it now. How long does an air conditioning repair last, anyway?

There are a lot of factors that go into this answer, which we’ll cover below, in addition to how to prevent repairs and what some of the common repair needs are that you may face with your cooling system. Read on!

Will Your Air Conditioning Repair Hold?

The short answer to this question is “it depends.” Honestly, it depends on what the repair need is, and if you’ve had it before, in addition to how old your system is. For instance, let’s say you need a motor bearing replaced in a 5-year-old air conditioner because it’s worn down and is creating friction. This repair is likely going to last long enough that you won’t have to repair it again before the system’s useful service life of 10-15 years is up.

On the other hand, let’s say you have a 10-year-old air conditioner and it’s had its 3rd refrigerant leak. Refrigerant is what makes the cooling process actually work, and is a vital component of your air conditioner. A well-maintained air conditioner may last a few years longer, but if refrigerant leaks keep occurring, chances are you may deal with another one very soon, and it might be time to start considering an air conditioner upgrade.

How to Prevent Repair Needs

You might be surprised to find that up to 85% of your repair costs can be avoided with maintenance. Professional air conditioning maintenance allows our technicians to comprehensively inspect, clean, and adjust the components that need it. All of this helps your air conditioner work more effectively and efficiently, plus helps you avoid repair needs, as we mentioned.

The thing is, when we spot a repair need early on, and you have it addressed right away, it prevents it from having a sort of “domino” effect inside the system, causing bigger and more expensive repairs. For example, let’s refer back to the motor bearings we talked about above–replacing or lubricating a worn-down motor bearing right away will help avoid too much friction that can lead to the entire motor and air conditioner overheating and breaking down.

What Repair Needs Should I Watch For?

When your system is well maintained, you shouldn’t have to worry too much about unexpected repair needs, but it’s still a good idea to stay vigilant and watch for these signs of repair needs:

  • A noisy system, which can indicate a loose component or something like that motor bearing wearing down. Even a refrigerant leak makes noise–you’ll hear a hissing or bubbling depending on where it’s escaping from.
  • A lack of cooling, which can be the sign of a refrigerant leak, ductwork leak, or a dirty evaporator coil preventing this component from absorbing heat.
  • Low airflow, which can be any number of issues–the best thing to do if you notice this problem is give our team a call!

When you need reliable AC repair in Colorado Springs, CO, look no further than Brown’s Heating & Cooling. Contact us today!

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